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What Are The Best Practices To Build User-Friendly dApps Interfaces?

  • July 11, 2024
  • 12 minutes
What Are The Best Practices To Build User-Friendly dApps Interfaces

There is a significant surge in the dApp industry in 2024 with a 40% hike in overall usage. Moreover, there will be more than 10 million daily Unique Active Wallet users in the second quarter of 2024. Did you know? Hackers have to hack all the computers using a decentralized app to change the algorithms.

You will be surprised to know that the average age of a dApp user is only 24 years.

Also, Bitcoin is the first decentralized finance technology introduced back in 2009.

BitTorrent Token (BTT) is a popular dApp that utilizes peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol. It enables the users to consume, upload, and seed content with multiple users at the same time.

Decentralized applications are digital applications that aim to be censorship-resistant and operate on decentralized networks.

Developers have multiple programming language options to build decentralized applications. For example, EOS uses C++ while Ethereum applications utilize Solidity and Vyper to build smart contracts. Additionally, Python and JavaScript are other programming languages cohesively used with specific blockchain frameworks and libraries to build dApps.

Are you wondering how does a user-friendly interface benefit your dApps? Let us explore –

  • Improved customer adoption of applications
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Boosted user data privacy and application usage flexibility
  • Increased user retention
  • User-friendly interfaces enhance customer adoption of applications
  • Intrigues developers to assess new app benefits and features
  • Enhanced revenue growth for the business

dApps offer various practical uses for several industries including supply chain management, education, financial services, social media, healthcare, and predictive analysis.

Assessing User Behavior and Requirements

A user persona draws a picture of unique requirements, goals, behaviors, and problems related to the target audience. It makes your app development process easier and clearer. Let us walk you through some of the essential steps to create a user persona –

  • Research for the target market
  • Requirement evaluation
  • Application design
  • Prototype development
  • Application Testing for performance and usability
  • Deployment
  • Post-development monitoring and maintenance
  • Performance evaluation

It is imperative to identify the user behavior pattern to create user-friendly applications. Similarly, it is pivotal to detect the pain points of the users in their dApp usability. This helps to resolve complex issues and ensure customer satisfaction in the long term.

Scalable dApp development, encrypted wallet, exchange platform development, and token development are different aspects of blockchain development that are separated through different developmental stages.

Customer pain points are usually divided into four different categories. These include –

  • Financial problems
  • Productivity problems
  • Process problems
  • Support problems
  • Trust issues
  • Technological issues
  • Accessibility issues

Unexpected fees at the time of checkout, prolonged registration processes, unresponsive customer support services, software crashes, overwhelming technical language, and limited product details are some of the common problems that customers face while using decentralized apps.

Nevertheless, the best blockchain development company identifies these user pain points and formulates strategies to fix them. So, what are the best ways to improve user experience in dApps?

  • Reduce the learning curve to make the user interface simple and easy to use
  • Look into slow loading time or frequent software crashes to improve the performance of the app
  • Enhance app security, address vulnerabilities, and reinstate user trust
  • Improve the documentation process
  • Design the app to make it more accessible to the layman

Steps to Design an Intuitive User Experience

How to Streamline dApp Navigation and Information Architecture?

Intuitive navigation and information architecture play a crucial role in ensuring the success of the decentralized app. Notable benefits of these features are –

  • Qualitative user experience
  • Enhanced discoverability
  • Greater user engagement
  • Reduced overall effort

Now that you understand the benefits, it brings you to the most common question – How to follow the best principles to create an intuitive application navigation and informational design? Let us check –

  • Determine the user requirements
  • Maintain a simple, consistent, accessible, and navigable design
  • Clearly label and categorize
  • Maintain a content pyramid
  • Implement a responsive and voice search-friendly design

How to be Consistent with the UI and Visual Design Elements?

A consistent application design establishes a mental familiarity enabling users to navigate a tool or application seamlessly. Moreover, consistency with your products helps customers to gain trust and increase their engagement. Go through some remarkable tips to maintain UI design consistency –

  • Choose an appropriate design system
  • Integrate standard elements like buttons, icons, and forms
  • Be consistent with the color palette
  • Utilize consistent typography
  • Maintain consistent iconography
  • Establish a consistent layout for dynamic designs

How to Build a Mobile-Responsive and Cross-Platform Compatible dApp?  

Cross-platform decentralized applications enable users to experience consistent application performance on a wide range of operating systems and devices. Let us see how to deploy a responsive dApp with cross-platform compatibility –

  • Choose appropriate development tools
  • Integration flexibility with multiple blockchain platforms
  • Deploy a mobile responsive design
  • Security-first design approach with strong authentication and authorization features
  • Create a user-friendly design for easy navigation and utility
  • Test the decentralized app for its compatibility with different platforms
  • Incorporate a version control system for effective collaboration

Cross-platform applications offer greater audience outreach, consistent user experience, and improved cost savings. Automatically, it enhances the user experience.

What are the Best Practices for dApp Interface Design?

Build Simple Interfaces to Minimize Cognitive Load

A simple navigable app is easier for the users to comprehend and use. Consistent design and simple interfaces enable users to remember an application’s utilities and features. An easy-to-apply interface eliminates the complexities related to learning a new process.

Noteworthy steps to eliminate cognitive stress related to UI design –

  • Familiar patterns
  • Simplified navigation
  • Progressive disclosure
  • Minimized distractions

A simple application saves time, minimizes tutorial time, and enhances the overall utility of the app. In the long run, it is highly beneficial to retain customers, improve revenue, and enhance trustworthiness.

Deploy Clear and Actionable Call-to-Actions

Call-to-action buttons are clickable features on a mobile application or website (a decentralized application in this case), enabling users to subscribe, purchase, or contact the company.

CTA buttons are designed to generate leads.

Let us walk you through the best practices to deploy actionable CTA buttons for your dApps –

  • Ensure button clickability and visibility
  • Choose a bigger font size
  • Choose contrasting color codes
  • Lesser words and more actionable
  • Utilize the White space
  • Constantly test the button before integration
  • Accuracy of button placement on the app or landing page

Tips to Prioritize Accessibility and Inclusivity 

Inclusive design is the UI approach to ensure equal and superior-quality experience for all users regardless of their device, location, connection, etc. In this approach, it is essential to encompass all types of users, how they react to the usability of the app, and minimize the friction or resistance from the app’s end.

Contrarily, the accessibility feature determines the usefulness of content to a particular audience group or individual (especially the differently abled.) Best practices in this approach include video and image descriptions along with keyboard and mouse navigational features.

Nevertheless, the overall goal of both these approaches is to reduce the number of obstacles in the user’s journey through your decentralized application.

Improved research abilities along with empathy can address a diverse range of audience requirements.

How to Incorporate Security and Trust in Your Private Blockchain Development Process?

Steps to Implement Secure Authentication and Authorization

There is a 9% rise in losses related to the blockchain sector where $407 million was totaled in the first quarter of 2024.

Authentication helps to confirm a user’s identity with the app.

There are two distinct methods to authenticate users in a decentralized app –

  • Meta mask One-Click Login
  • Smart Contract Code Application

The steps to authenticate a user are as follows –

  • User ID + password
  • Google device link and single-sign-on
  • Password-free email login through the magic link
  • One-time-passwords sent to emails or phone numbers
  • Biometric verification

Authorizing limits the range of accessible user information and systems within an application.

The four types of authorization include –

  • Discretionary access control (DAC)
  • Mandatory access control (MAC)
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

Authorization features for a dApp include –

  • Permissions
  • Scoped Access Tokens
  • 403 Forbidden Errors
  • Conditional UI

Some of the best techniques to authenticate user identity and authorize data for user access include –

  • Choose strong authentication techniques such as multi-factor authentication
  • Deploy the Role-Based Access Control model
  • Create unique passwords and policies
  • Regularly update application

Display Blockchain Transactions and Confirmation Status

Blockchain transactions and confirmation statuses in dApps are highlighted through dynamic elements such as colors, labels, symbols, sizes, animation, and shapes.

Displaying this vital information is a great way to build trust and relationships with your customer base.

Some of the steps to communicate the transaction status include –

  • Finding the transaction ID
  • Open a decentralized blockchain wallet
  • Screening a Block Explorer to enter the ID
  • Check the status of the transaction confirmation

Include Transparent Data Privacy for Customer Concern Management

Implement the following practices to ensure data privacy for design and manage user concerns seamlessly –

  • Proactive not Reactive approach to detect risks before they occur
  • Include Privacy as the Default setting
  • Integrate privacy-friendly policies in the design to minimize data storage and ensure superior data handling
  • End-to-end security for full data lifecycle protection
  • Display privacy policies transparently including who it is shared with, how data is shared, and where data is shared

What are the Best Ways to Enhance User Engagement and Retention?

Steps to Include Reward Systems and Gamification in dApps

Gamification in customer engagement strategies for decentralized apps resulted in 54% more trial clicks and 15% more subscription clicks.

This process is great for boosting user engagement through fun and enjoyable techniques. It is a way to establish intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for the users through the application.

Adding fun elements to the app, sharing motivational messages through the app, instilling a sense of achievement for the users, promoting friendly competition, and personalizing experiences are wonderful strategies to boost user engagement.

Additionally, gamification helps to determine the following indicators for your decentralized application –

  • Number of trials
  • Number of sign-ups
  • Number of trial conversions
  • Number of social media posts shared
  • Number of social media posts liked
  • Number of page followers
  • Trial retention rate

Personalize and Customize

Project-based dApp models are great for achieving unique organizational requirements. Some of the best steps to create a personalized decentralized application are as follows –

  • Project understanding
  • Project whitepaper
  • Build an appropriate cryptocurrency for financial exchanges on the dApp
  • Smart contract creation
  • Front-end development
  • Backend development
  • dApp performance assessment
  • Monitor, scale, and update based on project requirements

Real-Time Updates

Follow these best practices to get real-time updates on your decentralized apps –

  • Utilize the version control system to identify the code changes
  • Test the updates on the dApp for errors and drawbacks
  • Migrate the smart contracts to the blockchain from the front end
  • Modify the front-end code and ensure compatibility with smart contracts
  • Notify the users related to software updates
  • Monitor dynamic performance metrics to reduce errors, streamline transactions, and resolve customer complaints

How to Optimize for Performance and Speed?

Reduce Latency and Improve Loading Speed

Latency is the time taken by the browser and the server processing time on a network. Distance is the main reason for latency. Traffic congestion, application design, and server performance issues are other factors that affect network latency.

Google cites page speed as a ranking factor for applications. Therefore, it is imperative to improve application latency for enhanced performance and client engagement.

Here are some of the best tactics to reduce latency and improve your loading speed –

  • Optimize the coding language
  • Utilize a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Select distributed systems
  • Choose optimal-performance hosting infrastructure
  • Compress data
  • Monitor performance regularly
  • Deploy caching techniques
  • Optimize server response time
  • Utilize trending web technologies

Best Practices to Improve Interactions

Decentralized applications can utilize dynamic in-app messaging techniques to streamline communication and optimize performance.

Some of the common in-app messaging models include modals, tooltips, checklists, product walkthroughs, surveys, and chats.

Developers can employ the best practices for in-app communication and enhance the speed of the application by utilizing the following techniques –

  • Goal-driven messages
  • Deciphering audience requirements
  • Regional language options with cultural differences to speak like the user
  • Keep the messages crisp and precise
  • Conduct thorough and frequent testing to identify communication gaps for improvement

How to Evaluate Your App for Usability?

Conduct Test To Assess User Experience and App Usability

Decentralized application user testing is a multi-step process. Let us take a quick look into the best strategies –

  • Task completion success rate
  • Employ a user testing method such as individual in-depth reviews, remote user testing, card-sorting, focus groups, and A/B testing
  • Choose representative users to test for your application usability
  • Create task scenarios to help users complete an intuitive application journey
  • Evaluate the test results

Improve the Iterative Design Process Based on User Feedback

An iterative application design process offers flexibility, reduces risks, offers continuous scope for improvement, and enhances user satisfaction.

Here are quick tips to successfully collect user feedback –

  • Define the objectives of the feedback
  • Categorize the audience
  • Choose appropriate platforms to receive feedback
  • Prioritize the user feedback based on relevancy, impact, and experience
  • Ensure that the feedback form engaging and relevant
  • Evaluate and categorize the feedback based on the importance of information
  • End the feedback cycle
  • Deploy the improvement strategies to relevant product design roadmaps
  • Regularly assess and refine the areas of improvement


Read Also: The Benefits of Using A Crypto Trading Bot for Beginners 


Case Studies of User-Friendly dApp Interfaces

Examples of Iconic dApps with Stellar User Interfaces

  • Uniswap – An Ethereum-based blockchain application with a transparent fee structure. It utilizes the UNI currency. However, it is only compatible with MetaMask, a crypto wallet to ensure smooth transactions.
  • PancakeSwap – Get a high-quality user experience with this decentralized application. It is a part of the Binance Smart Chain that offers multi-crypto wallet compatibility. The fees for this platform are pocket-friendly.

Examples of dApps with Poor User Experience

Cardano is the worst-performing cryptocurrency in 2024 with a 1.8% decline in market capitalization. MultiversX is another badly performing cryptocurrency in 2024.

The coin price for MultiversX is $29.48 in 2024 while the highest price was $542.58 in 2021. The significant decline is a result of ignorance of user grievances.


Read Also: Introduction to Private Blockchain: A Beginner’s Guide



Decentralized apps are a secure and profitable way to give your customers the freedom to conduct crypto exchanges utilizing multiple unique online wallets. The benefits of dApps are manifold when it comes to an interactive interface design.

Webgen Technologies is one of the leading DeFi and app development companies in the USA with an extensive list of user-friendly app development services.

We promote a holistic, transparent, and communicative approach for optimal client engagement and satisfaction during the development process. Our strategic planning, technical design, swift and regular testing, and ongoing customer support help to build user-friendly dApp interfaces for best results and high return on investment in the long run.

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